The phrase is "don’t forget"... don’t forget even when you want to have bonding the most, never forget that the line should never be crossed, even when you are tempted to do so, for a white lily is better than chain or bracelet or a knuckle that you always wanted .. as so is written in the psalms of the roads ,which you have understood lately all by yourself, just like most of the other bikers did.
Besides my bed there lies a flower vase...and it is full of dead white lilies, and besides me, wrapped around my arm lies my love for tonight, and as she sleeps , the soft moon glows magnificently on her skin.. and
the tenderness of which gets mingles with the white satin blanket that we are under, her eyes are closed, and she is dreaming something as she smiles in her sleep, while i am awake...the empty cigarette packet and an empty jar of whisky lies at a distance on the table..smiling....telling me how empty they have been all this night..
Chapter One {The Junks} :
On the left of the table lies my accessories that i wear religiously all the time.It had grown into a small collection over the past years, something which i don't collect anymore, and since the day I had stopped collecting,.. this armour of mine had been diminishing while I continue to throw away when they break off ,throwing away is the rule that i have learnt on the roads,it helps you in relieving the heavy weight lung crushing memories attached to it...
most of these junks were given to me by girls with whom i have met on my path,with some i shared friendship...
with some a casual love and with the rest a deep affection..
yes i had no home......i had no bonds......i was free to roam the realms of earth....i was free to decide and form opinions...i was not chained, and so was their irony to give me a chain to wear, a connotation to chain me into bondage, again some of them gifted me bracelet, that resembled a handcuff and others a knuckle to show me a solidarity to how harsh i am.......within the junk of the many there lies a heart, a cracked metal heart ......something which i haven't thrown away although it was broken and cracked..... it was gifted to me by someone I knew long time back, the time when i was traveling in the east.
Chapter Two {The Metal Heart}:
After all those times we spent with each other,she gifted me a metal heart …while i was a vagabond,she had all the attributes of a captivating libran, i was bound to hit the roads again,and she was destined to stay,we had so much in difference and yet we loved each other,for me it was the present day that mattered as i never anticipated tomorrow,for her it was the long future that she wanted to weave with me.The fabric which i never understood,and so again as the banjara passes i hit the road again,and so was her gift,a metal heart to decorate me around my neck,a small memento that would remind me of her where ever i would go..........we parted on one fine dawn, the fluorescent luminescence of the motel in which we stayed were still on display, glowing....reminding me how attractive it appears, begging me to stay there for one more night, but i was not destined to buy time....and so i went ,parting with the girl i loved,into the darkness of the morning the sun peeped through the horizon.
Chapter Three {One Fine Night In The Motel} :
One fine night in the motel,i realised how alone i am , i was surrounded by friends and company, which i made in this motel, and they were drinking,singing making merry and dancing while i was alone. The sense of melancholy had taken me over by its sharp tantalizing claws and I was right there among them ...alone within a crowd. It took me a while to realize how aggravated the situation was, while I stood in front of the mirror and had a good look at myself, there I was to categorize my priorities again of what i want with my life...and there she was,the metal heart looking right into my eyes,out shining the other chains bracelets and knuckles i was wearing,a prophetic realisation,out of all the junk accessories i was wearing i fell in love with the metal heart so she became my precious one,the tanned metal heart i realised is two years old now,the chain had become brittle and was on the verge of breaking away... but i never wanted it to keep it off my neck.
Chapter Four { The Ever lasting Memory}:

Chapter Five {Going To Meet Her Again}:

Chapter Six {The White Lily} :
There she was looking at me with her unbelievable startling eyes,while i kept a soft smile on my face,without speaking any word i gave her my metal heart and asked her to mend it,to make it new once more,so that i can wear it on my neck again....and she took it on her hands and told me how absurd it is to mend it,for junks like these once broken cannot be repaired,
"so why don't you replace it with a new one" i asked...she smiled away...telling me how i have come all the way only for a replacement..."you remember me till now don't you"? she asked...
"yes i do"... i replied...for i love you now...i can leave being a vagabond for you...........i want you to be my part, want to stay with you for all the rest of my life
.......for i have suffered a lot without you..........these mementos are not enough to live a life that once i thought were enough...... i am ready to drop my bike and be with you once again for the rest of my life..
and there was numbness in her face and stillness in her eyes,while she answered
that there was a biker who came to her doorsteps after i left,he fell in love with her just as i did but the only difference was he defied the psalms of the roads and stayed with her while i was travelling.He came,He loved and He stayed.
"so you don't love me now do you"? i asked
"i don't know why i loved you... and i don't know why i love you till were different and perhaps i fell in love with you for that reason only,so if now you change and come to stay with me i cant promise that i would love you the same as i did,may be there would be compassion but not love for you,will you be able to live with that?you were a free bird,and i don't want to cage you for i have got my own bird and i am happy with him knowing that this small village is perhaps a prison for him...but he is staying in this prison just for me.. do you want me to leave him after the rules he has broken of the psalms? don't you think he will be forsaken after i do so? the choice is yours..more over how i can guarantee that one day you inner instincts to hit the road again will not rise and you will leave me one fine dusk again? you don't think of the future do you? your overture emotions are just for one day as you don't think that persistently....... if you had been in my shoes what would you have done?" she replied.
There was a long silence,all she wanted to make me know i understood,and so was i about to leave,but i stayed a bit longer......
"wont you give me any mementos? perhaps a replacement for the cracked metal heart" ? i asked
after a short pause , she handed me over a white lily.. from the flower vase by her side
"but it is going to wither" i said
"yes it will and for that reason i am giving you so...
so that you will make a choice.."
what choice? i asked
"the white lily withers in two days...and to get a new white lily from me you have to come to me once again, keep in mind two days it takes to withers...that means you have to travel with in a time span of two days to reach me...and if you do so will be wandering about only by the outskirts of this town,that means you will not see any new roads again,no new paths to traverse and nothing new to will be in a loop travelling back and forth on the same path over and over again" she said.
"Do you want me to do that?... it will put an end to the very idea of what i am".. i replied
"No" she answered
"you are different not like rest of the others.. you have already destroyed much time in coming back to meet me which could otherwise have been spent travelling new roads meeting new people.. learning new observations.this is what defines you and i don't want you to be like a bird in a cage or a bird in a prison.. you know no limitations,and you must be set free... break off the loop,and do keep this lily,and when it whithers throw it away.. no need to keep extra baggage....and remember this two day memento is not a token to resemble that my love for you had diminished.. its just another memento..
and by now you must have learnt and if you don't then do remember that on the roads you don't make friends ,you make acquaintances...friends,lovers, bondage's affects your soul,it plays with your rationality,influences your decision,so keep off bondage's and have the true mind of a biker....for you are and will always be my vagabond.. do come to me someday when i will grow old...for now you must leave "
Chapter Seven :{On The Roads Again}:
While she completed what she had to say she turned to go away while i took the metal heart that she kept on the table along with the white lily,and went on with my ride,I didn’t knew the road where I would head to but I knew the rules of the roads …thereby believing in every words that she said,believing that i will break off the loop,believing that i must have done injustice to myself if i would have stayed a life of a caged bird...believing that i have many more things to see, observe and learn from this roads.These roads which are ever non ending..connected to each other in some way or the other similar to how the veins in a human body run ,and i promised to be its blood.... just like the blood returns after one complete circulation to the heart as it is destined to... no time earlier or no time after ..just like that i made a promise to come to her once again after i have completed one full circle of these day when I would have travelled this whole path..
Epilogue :
The morning is about to come and i woke up from my dream,my love for the night was looking at me,i smiled...
the morning broke and i was about to leave
i wore all my junks and left all my withered flowers on the motel that were given to me by my acquaintances whom I have met on the road, thereafter i realised the importance of flowers over something more permanent like a metal memento...perhaps for that reason flowers are immortalised in love and no one thought is all about the extra baggage's that one can throw after the two day ritual of mourning...
and there I was all set on to ride and hit the roads again... and the lady smiled
"so don't you want a memento to remember me ?" she asked
"just hand me over a white lily " i replied
“The roads you must choose and be what you are destined to........for some follow the psalms all their life time,while some break it and others redefines it by adding clarity and refinement.”