In search of something under the vastness of the starry skies,
In search of something walking over the lush green grass.
Like a bullet fired from the gun in search of it's destination,
Speeding away from the action of gravity,
The noise of the pulling crowd not touching it anymore
while it cruise's at unfathomable speed,tearing apart the air
In chase of it's target,that was in the place while it was launched
following the curved trajectory of a beginning and an end,
but the destination that was possible reaching have been moved to distant apart
Destination now lies lost, the hope for reaching dangling in mid air
Wish the unknown shooter could have changed equation,
No obstructions,and no restrictions,
Making it reach to its' destination,
Wish the speed could have been more,
With the falling gravitiy's no restriction,
and resisting airs' no obstruction........
Here I travel in the middle of the night
Hoping to reach my destination
launched in life like a bullet from a gun,
Ignited by the unknown passion
In search of its' destination,
In search of something in the blurry fog that lies ahead
In search of something under the infinite sky
In search of something ............
"Not many people in the world live their life as they want to.Few people sing the songs what their heart urges them to sing. Fewer see from the eyes of their own souls.Very few people dance under the rain when they should be otherwise crying,and not many of them in this world live their own incredible story which they themselves have written."
Friday, October 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Here I am sitting on the sea shore and the rising wave splashes water on my face.My moist eyes are red enough to resemble the red clouds of the night sky,under whose cloak I am sitting here right now. The saline taste of the sea water has mingled with my tears ....and rolled down to my lips while I could not make out the difference between the two.... some times it makes me think that I have cried an entire ocean in front of me ..... but still the saline taste has not stopped falling onto my lips.....
The moon is about to go and the sun is about to come .. and in this twilight zone I am all alone lying against a boulder on the sea shore with a cold face, forcing my mind to stop thinking about her.
The pebbles surrounding me has a story of its own while I look upon them..... it bears the experience of its ages .Scars, cuts and wounds have taken the smooth surface of the pebbles to turn it into a rough textured stone. Geologist calls this " the stone with a missing face "....the stone that has been weathered by the forces of nature to turn it into a coarse rock mass.
My eyes fell on my hand,the surgeon's stitch on my slit wrist is about six months old .While I don't know how long this heart has suffered..... "love" they say in philosopher's language... never knew what they actually meant but if "pain" and "emotion" it was supposed to mean .....then I must say I have felt it.
While this beautiful night is about to come to an end ..... it reminds that I am also on the verge of completing a full circle ... I don't know when the sun has set yesterday, but I am determined to see the sun rise today.... similarly I never knew since when I started loving her but I know when it is going to end.
A friendship band has been hanging around my wrist which I had kept religiously as a memento, constantly reminding me of her,incidentally that is also her only sign that is now left with me other than her photograph in my wallet
The bed of sand on which I am sitting right now has some strange properties. When it's dry you cannot grip it with your palm..... ever since child hood I have tried it a dozen times ......but as always it slips by my palm.... but on this particular occasion with the rising tide in front of me , with the gushes of water making this sand moist,invariably I could hold it in my hand , it does not slip by my Palm now......
and when I rose to my feet again I realized my skin is caked with sand. On second thoughts I realized that the sand particle's clinging to me are all moist ...never ever I have been caked with sand before... "strange it is.." i felt ....
for all my life I was never able to grip sand and it is the sand that is gripping me now
I stood up jerked the sand out of my body, took the band out of my wrist as well as the photograph too from my wallet and placed it on the sand,sprinkled it with the fuel out of my lighter and ignited it..
and there it goes the last remaining memorabilia of her in the smoke.....
you may ask me why I have done it? I don't know exactly myself why I have done it too...
subconsciously perhaps I felt this was the only decision that I was left with......
or perhaps to complete my full Circle.
I stood up jerked the sand out of my body, took the band out of my wrist as well as the photograph too from my wallet and placed it on the sand,sprinkled it with the fuel out of my lighter and ignited it..
and there it goes the last remaining memorabilia of her in the smoke.....
you may ask me why I have done it? I don't know exactly myself why I have done it too...
subconsciously perhaps I felt this was the only decision that I was left with......
or perhaps to complete my full Circle.
The smoke went away to be a part of the cloud while the ashes got washed away to the sea ..... the morning sun rose and red clouds turned white .... it made me think that although i felt like crying but my eyes have turned to normal colour of white too ...burying my emotion deep into myself ...just like the rising sun has hidden the moon away from my sight.
on my way back from the shore ....... I heard the fisherman shouting among themselves, that the sea water has turned more salty than it was supposed to be ..... I never knew what they actually meant, or who was to blame for this phenomenon. .....
however I carried on with my tread......leaving behind locus of my foot prints on the wet sand and slowly vanishing into the "normal" crowd.
while I was walking, a couple smiled at me and asked "have you been lying at the sea shore ?"
"why"...? I asked
"well ...... the back part of your clothing which is away from your eye-sight is caked with moist sand " the young man answered.
while I walked away smiling ........ remembering john bunyan's words
"I carry with me the marks and scars of battles - they are the
witnesses of what I suffered and the rewards of what I conquered "
Thursday, September 3, 2009

"............Remember the clouds and the winds ..... never forget them .........write to me when you are far away and burn them .May the smoke be carried by the winds and reach to me through the rain droplets of the clouds ......
these clouds......... you see up there is a bank of letters written by thousands of lovers away from home ...and when i will look up the to cloud the first droplet of rain water touching my face will remind me of you ..... remember then, that your message had been delivered .............. " said Habibah to Ebo.
Everything that has an ending must have had a starting, in between birth and death, there is a period when we live ...those moments are called life.Similarly in between sleep and awakening there is a small period of sub consciousness,
when the dream of the past night is as fresh as morning dew ....the story of Ebo doesn't deal with birth, life and death ,instead of that period of sub consciousness during which one can recall his dream ,being aware of the fact that he is going to forget it the next morning he wakes up ......
Ebo has been walking ever since the last time he met her......... walking through the villages and by the seashores. From the plains of the fields, to the mountains and forests and then ultimately to the desert ......
he did not knew the desert ,but he knew his search for his destiny went through this path ..... he never realized that it was not him who was in search of his destination,
but it was the other way was his destiny that made him come here .... perhaps made him come so far from her..... and this destiny is destined to take him to his destination ......... the destination that lay far ahead of him passed through the longest desert path trodden by the banjaras .It lay right in front of him, the farthest sight of it was non ending..............
during his way through the plains and the mountains , he kept his promise and wrote to her every day and then burnt it religiously ,believing the wind will take it away and the clouds will deliver it.......
and then came the reply ......
he soaked himself in it carried the presence of her .... through the rain he communicated with her......
he knew what she must have written the rain didn't missed a part...... and when he danced with joy in the rain murmuring to the water droplets .....his friends thought he had gone mad......but only he knew the secret....
Then came the desert ,he wrote the letters by tearing up pages from his diary that he had procured before entering this long desert, and burning them ,the desert wind took it away,but only with a promise that it's reply will never come ....... "its the desert you have been walking through...." told the desert to Ebo ,and the rain doesn't fall here .......
The desert path came to be longer than what he expected it to be ....and now its one day short of one year since he started walking in the desert and the pages of diary all burnt but one left...... the 365 th day ..the last blank page of the diary ..was awaiting to be written, burnt and carried away by the wind and to be delivered by the clouds ........
all the pages that he wrote before from his diary carried his life story ....and now he is left with a single page ......
the two thick cardboard , binding the diary resembled birth and death to him .....and this last page in between it,the last day of his life...
he never wrote on that last page during his path...and no one knew why....perhaps he believed in the fact that by tearing up this last page ..... he will come to the back cover of the diary resembling death.....and he didn't wanted to die in the desert....or perhaps there were too many a thoughts,emotions and feelings to be penned down in just one single page.....or perhaps he was waiting......... telling himself "don't write today do it tomorrow ....." perhaps that feeling
of writing to her tomorrow made him contend....... and that tomorrow never came..
he had been walking the desert ever since then, breaking her promise .....
all his experiences of the desert he bore in his mind hoping to share them with her one day day when he will meet her again.
when the 3rd year arrived , he was close to his destination .....
The desert path had lead him to his destination.. and then he tore the last page of his diary and wrote " wish you were here." and burnt it ....the smoke curled up against the sky and went away ...... at this point of time he didn't saw death on the back cover cardboard,instead he saw "awakening" .... he now realized what the front cover cardboard and the pages in between them originally resembled ......
he felt the true essence of love, "how his belief in love has made him come so far.."- he thought .....
coming at conjunction with his destination would never have been possible without love ...... strange is love .......he wondered .........only a matter of interpretation......
He was sitting at his destination awaiting the rain to arrive ,but the weather had been erratic ,and then one day the rain did came, the rain droplets touched his face,but strangely it didn't carry any emotion along with it....
" did she write to me ?.." he asked to himself
"6 years you have been away from her,for three years you never wrote to her,who knows where is she?
has she written to you? no one knows,
has she forgotten you ? that can never be..
why are you forgetting the desert lies in between you and her ?
no rain bearing winds has ever passed from that side of the desert to this.......and perhaps the clouds for which you are waiting for ,has already fallen on the other part of the desert......
.to know what has she written to you or has she stopped writing to you, you need to go to the other the part of the desert.....
do you really want to go there again ? " his soul answered
The sun was about to set and the old banjara sitting on the sand, by his camel has just finished telling the folklore of the desert to his young fellow men......
" it's about time to carry on with our journey ......
.. a long journey to the other part of the desert awaits....we must start early " ............. the banjara said ..
while the young men who were listening to the story looked puzzled by the question put forward to Ebo by himself........
Monday, August 3, 2009

A glass of wine under the moon shine and a reflection of love on the purest crystal held on my hand..
.. a trance ridden mind hallucinating about you ......
The soft music of the murmurs enchanting around me and the language of the unknown mystifying its very own existence and i don't know why this music reminds me of her......
yet i am so far...... detached from her sitting here in the middle of the desert listening to the banjaras and looking up to the moon......
when i think what has made me come so far .......
i retrospect ..... what was it ?
i don't find any answer ...
but i know the moon knows it all......
i look upon it .... amazed .... o standing moon out there the gorgeous of all gorgeous heavenly creature you know it all ......
you have been a standing testimony for all the lover's for centuries
for all travellers like me away from home ...departed from their loved one your face has brought them solace .....
and in your glowing face i find her....
.in your shine i feel the gentle touch of her skin
she is there when i look upon you
when I believe she is there sitting at the window looking upon you at the same time's that feeling that brings me a comfortable joy
but still here I am sitting in the middle of the desert not knowing when i will see her again
or perhaps in this life time ever again?
would this distance in between her and me will ever be surpassed?
for i am too timid to ask this question over and over again
for i know that every truth i seek does not hold the key to my happiness
but i do know that the moon knows it all .........
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

late at night when you will think of me
I will be very far away,
far away from the farthest sight your eyes can see....
for I will not be able to touch you then from all earthly bonds I will be free ..
as death would have taken me
holding my hand to become a shining star
leading me deep to the sky and far
I wont come back to you then no matter how much you cry
from here I will look at you ... watch your innocent moves
for I will not cry then neither will I smile.....
for I know neither will the sound of my smile nor the tears of my eyes will reach you
so my all efforts would be futile
but even after death you have not freed me from this bondage
and when my eyes cannot hold tears any longer in its cage
it will fall unknowingly.........
but will you feel the star dust speck on your lips ?
and the sandy grain on your palm
is actually my tears that has travelled a million miles for a kiss
will you?
for my soul will not be free because I loved
and will come to you once again
for as a child of yours I will be in your womb conceived
and the same blood will flow again through my vein
when as a toddler I will hold your hand and crave for your love
you will feel that it is me ....
love me then with everything you have and let me sleep then in your arms
for I am tired
having travelled through galaxy
to be with you in a life called fantasy
I will there with you once again you know
to live an another life of ecstasy .......
Monday, April 6, 2009

This is a story which does not have a starting nor does it have an ending....its a story of someone waiting to be heard of,the story to which I listened ,The story of the man in blue coat.........
The first thing that I can recall is when I was lying in the wet grass ,the drizzling rain had moisturised my face,my dark warm suit was no longer keeping me warm....I was shivering with my eyes closed. The alcohol had did its part , I trance ridden mind was hallucinating....while I hesitatingly opened my eyes ....blurry half distinct images of something hit my retina..... the silhouette of a couple were present some distance apart talking to each other .......along with the unruly gust of wind that was blowing ...... I heard the couple were discussing about me. The lady said "see nowadays even in parks like this you can have a drunken fellow like him....look at his dress .....he seems to belong
from a good family.....and see now how disrespecting and ungraceful ,that he is is lying dead drunk here...some girl must have ditched him....poor fellow...."
well the lady was wrong no girl ditched me, only thing is that I had a party some hours back,and when the clock smiled at me showing 7 p.m I hurried out of the ballroom to reach thing I did not realise, for the same fact for which I was lying in this park ....that sometimes big bellied fish like me can also puke.....I retrograded my path and took refuge there believing that sometimes after I will be in a position to reach home.
Passively listening to what the lady had said I closed my eyes feeling amused......and when the second time I opened my eye after a small interval of unconscious sleep, the couple was gone........Instead a man in his thirties wearing a blue raincoat with his head covered under the hood was sitting unexpectedly close to me,looking into my eyes .......and eating an apple....
The man in the blue coat who was sitting very close to me had an apple in his hand which he was chomping thoughtfully I stared at him amazingly
the man broke the silence by asking "so...did someone ditch you and you got drunk..?.."
no I replied
" I don't belong to that fortunate lot, who have someone special in their life ".............. I murmured
" on the contrary you can also be unfortunate too,to have someone special in your life "..... said the man
" why is it so? " I asked
" it's my experience that tells me boy,not me.................I have seen life from the point of view of soldier who has seen a bloody battle....Sometimes Life and Love are not that rosy dream of which we think to be..... Its a harsh and cruel reality....." said the man
" hmmm......... " . I murmured
" so what is your experience..? why do you give me such pessimistic views regarding life...after all life is a beautiful opportunity for us to enjoy..... " I said.
" Is it so? "....the man chuckled
"then let me tell you why I am here......why I am sitting here under the open sky and getting drenched while my ' Toyota ' is still parked outside......."..he said while the Rolex in his right hand glittered under the moon shine.
" 10 years back I had met a girl in my college.......I was finishing my education while she joined college.......we felt like we had a connection with each other and we fell in love .....and after 4 months of intense courtship , I realized that I have found my soul mate." said the man
" then Jenny disappeared without telling me anything ,one week no news of her what so ever ,then on the eighth day she came to meet me,tormented,......she told me that she needs money ,a large sum of money to give to her father........On that day jenny cried and I came to know jenny closer and closer of her cruel past, something which I never knew before....... " the man continued........
" On that day I realized that jenny didn't had a father,the half dog and half pig character to which jenny referred to as her father ,was actually a parasite who has been lavishing on the money which came from jenny's mother by performing the mankind's oldest forbidden trade----prostitution...... "
" Jenny goes by the name of ' submissive lily ' , when I found her on the escort's list which gets updated every single minute on the Internet...It was five years back that she bowed herself to this profession................because of me,if on that very day I would have given her what she needed to fulfill her father's debt,then today Jenny would have been Jenny only......But how could I have had ? I was not a millionaire then, but a struggler wearing a torn pair of jeans,you never understand women they will always disclose their problem to the person whom they love.............even knowing that the person is incapable of helping her.......she always divulges to him.........and when you fail to help them as I did, they feel they are betrayed ............perhaps they are so graceful....that when you say ' cannot ' to them....they feel their Love's labour is lost..............
I feel guilty for her .I tried to shoot myself a couple of times but failed .......... I felt heavy by her burden.......I felt as I am choked to death........... I felt angry, very very angry thinking that hundreds of people must have touched her flesh.......... " said the man in the blue coat, while his bloodshot moist eyes looked ferocious..........
Then the day when I found her , I called her pretending myself to be a customer (because there was no other way to reach to her )......and she came......we looked at each other's eyes....... we both cuddled and cried but then she said " why am I here? " I told her I am here to take her... to be with me forever....but she denied..... she said there is no point in returning now everything is lost to is a life that she has accepted out of forceful compulsion ,she asked me why am I here?.... is it to ridicule to her situation or make her feel how low has she gone? .....but I realized that she was angry with me over the fact that she held me equally responsible for her situations............ then she went away.... and on that day I came to know of an another secret of Jenny
that she is into drugs's a part of a game plan of the prostitution racket to indulge these people into drugs so that they don't break away from the bond and be a faithful slave of their master forever.........perhaps this could have been an another reason why jenny never wanted to return....." said the man remorsefully
" on that day I tried twice to shoot myself in the head,but I failed......."
" then I thought of a way to ease my pain,a road to my salvation, a path to lighten my burden........" every day since then I come here with one of my employee specially hired for this purpose.... he would come and behave as a lonely customer who does not want any physical satisfaction but want someone to talk with and take her for the night, on my Sedan while I follow them in a taxi, he pays her double the money she charges (which I give him beforehand) and they sit and gossip on one of my posh bungalow down the lane.........." this saga has been happening everyday since then, while I watch her from the dark glasses of my bedroom........... craving for her love,knowing inevitably that she would never be mine again for the sins I have done towards her.......she came to me for help but I was incapable of helping her that is my sin...... " --------------said the man .........while the rain began to fall more intensely
The rain had began to fall more harshly while the man in the blue coat assisted me out of the garden and whispered something to my ear.....then quickly whistled and waved his hand to a taxi that was passing ............ I entered the cab and the man slammed the door hard,and then said " always remember what I told you............................ "
The cab on which I was in,sizzled down the streets which resembled a smaller version of The Bois de Boulogne all of them standing there had something or the other to show me...while I was looking through their false smiling faces, deep into their eyes. I realized that behind this glamorous body and amorous smile there is a dark secret,a cruel past , a harsh story of truth and reality which everyone of them has to tell ,deep inside their eyes there lies an empty space which resembles the calm moment before a storm..... they need to be heard of, and someone had to listen to...if only you keep your eyes and ears open....
My trance ridden mind was slowly coming back to reality........the effect of alcohol was dying while the cool breeze carrying rain drops blew,
splashing my face with a thousand tears .......................
The radio channel in the taxi played the song " jaane koi,kaisi hai yeh zindagini...hamari adhuri kahani......." .while I laid back on the warm leather seat closing my eyes.......................and wondering what the man in the blue coat whispered to my ear..... he said..." when you eat a chicken burger always remember that the the chicken you are eating has been taken out of its flock, smoother ed with it's blood drained and skinned to the pink convert it from a living organism to a piece of meat....cooked,garnished and served Only to satisfy your Taste buds......."
This is a story which does not have a starting nor does it have an ending....its a story of someone waiting to be heard of,the story to which I listened ,The story of the man in blue coat.........
The first thing that I can recall is when I was lying in the wet grass ,the drizzling rain had moisturised my face,my dark warm suit was no longer keeping me warm....I was shivering with my eyes closed. The alcohol had did its part , I trance ridden mind was hallucinating....while I hesitatingly opened my eyes ....blurry half distinct images of something hit my retina..... the silhouette of a couple were present some distance apart talking to each other .......along with the unruly gust of wind that was blowing ...... I heard the couple were discussing about me. The lady said "see nowadays even in parks like this you can have a drunken fellow like him....look at his dress .....he seems to belong
from a good family.....and see now how disrespecting and ungraceful ,that he is is lying dead drunk here...some girl must have ditched him....poor fellow...."
well the lady was wrong no girl ditched me, only thing is that I had a party some hours back,and when the clock smiled at me showing 7 p.m I hurried out of the ballroom to reach thing I did not realise, for the same fact for which I was lying in this park ....that sometimes big bellied fish like me can also puke.....I retrograded my path and took refuge there believing that sometimes after I will be in a position to reach home.
Passively listening to what the lady had said I closed my eyes feeling amused......and when the second time I opened my eye after a small interval of unconscious sleep, the couple was gone........Instead a man in his thirties wearing a blue raincoat with his head covered under the hood was sitting unexpectedly close to me,looking into my eyes .......and eating an apple....
The man in the blue coat who was sitting very close to me had an apple in his hand which he was chomping thoughtfully I stared at him amazingly
the man broke the silence by asking "so...did someone ditch you and you got drunk..?.."
no I replied
" I don't belong to that fortunate lot, who have someone special in their life ".............. I murmured
" on the contrary you can also be unfortunate too,to have someone special in your life "..... said the man
" why is it so? " I asked
" it's my experience that tells me boy,not me.................I have seen life from the point of view of soldier who has seen a bloody battle....Sometimes Life and Love are not that rosy dream of which we think to be..... Its a harsh and cruel reality....." said the man
" hmmm......... " . I murmured
" so what is your experience..? why do you give me such pessimistic views regarding life...after all life is a beautiful opportunity for us to enjoy..... " I said.
" Is it so? "....the man chuckled
"then let me tell you why I am here......why I am sitting here under the open sky and getting drenched while my ' Toyota ' is still parked outside......."..he said while the Rolex in his right hand glittered under the moon shine.
" 10 years back I had met a girl in my college.......I was finishing my education while she joined college.......we felt like we had a connection with each other and we fell in love .....and after 4 months of intense courtship , I realized that I have found my soul mate." said the man
" then Jenny disappeared without telling me anything ,one week no news of her what so ever ,then on the eighth day she came to meet me,tormented,......she told me that she needs money ,a large sum of money to give to her father........On that day jenny cried and I came to know jenny closer and closer of her cruel past, something which I never knew before....... " the man continued........
" On that day I realized that jenny didn't had a father,the half dog and half pig character to which jenny referred to as her father ,was actually a parasite who has been lavishing on the money which came from jenny's mother by performing the mankind's oldest forbidden trade----prostitution...... "
" Jenny goes by the name of ' submissive lily ' , when I found her on the escort's list which gets updated every single minute on the Internet...It was five years back that she bowed herself to this profession................because of me,if on that very day I would have given her what she needed to fulfill her father's debt,then today Jenny would have been Jenny only......But how could I have had ? I was not a millionaire then, but a struggler wearing a torn pair of jeans,you never understand women they will always disclose their problem to the person whom they love.............even knowing that the person is incapable of helping her.......she always divulges to him.........and when you fail to help them as I did, they feel they are betrayed ............perhaps they are so graceful....that when you say ' cannot ' to them....they feel their Love's labour is lost..............
I feel guilty for her .I tried to shoot myself a couple of times but failed .......... I felt heavy by her burden.......I felt as I am choked to death........... I felt angry, very very angry thinking that hundreds of people must have touched her flesh.......... " said the man in the blue coat, while his bloodshot moist eyes looked ferocious..........
Then the day when I found her , I called her pretending myself to be a customer (because there was no other way to reach to her )......and she came......we looked at each other's eyes....... we both cuddled and cried but then she said " why am I here? " I told her I am here to take her... to be with me forever....but she denied..... she said there is no point in returning now everything is lost to is a life that she has accepted out of forceful compulsion ,she asked me why am I here?.... is it to ridicule to her situation or make her feel how low has she gone? .....but I realized that she was angry with me over the fact that she held me equally responsible for her situations............ then she went away.... and on that day I came to know of an another secret of Jenny
that she is into drugs's a part of a game plan of the prostitution racket to indulge these people into drugs so that they don't break away from the bond and be a faithful slave of their master forever.........perhaps this could have been an another reason why jenny never wanted to return....." said the man remorsefully
" on that day I tried twice to shoot myself in the head,but I failed......."
" then I thought of a way to ease my pain,a road to my salvation, a path to lighten my burden........" every day since then I come here with one of my employee specially hired for this purpose.... he would come and behave as a lonely customer who does not want any physical satisfaction but want someone to talk with and take her for the night, on my Sedan while I follow them in a taxi, he pays her double the money she charges (which I give him beforehand) and they sit and gossip on one of my posh bungalow down the lane.........." this saga has been happening everyday since then, while I watch her from the dark glasses of my bedroom........... craving for her love,knowing inevitably that she would never be mine again for the sins I have done towards her.......she came to me for help but I was incapable of helping her that is my sin...... " --------------said the man .........while the rain began to fall more intensely
The rain had began to fall more harshly while the man in the blue coat assisted me out of the garden and whispered something to my ear.....then quickly whistled and waved his hand to a taxi that was passing ............ I entered the cab and the man slammed the door hard,and then said " always remember what I told you............................ "
The cab on which I was in,sizzled down the streets which resembled a smaller version of The Bois de Boulogne all of them standing there had something or the other to show me...while I was looking through their false smiling faces, deep into their eyes. I realized that behind this glamorous body and amorous smile there is a dark secret,a cruel past , a harsh story of truth and reality which everyone of them has to tell ,deep inside their eyes there lies an empty space which resembles the calm moment before a storm..... they need to be heard of, and someone had to listen to...if only you keep your eyes and ears open....
My trance ridden mind was slowly coming back to reality........the effect of alcohol was dying while the cool breeze carrying rain drops blew,
splashing my face with a thousand tears .......................
The radio channel in the taxi played the song " jaane koi,kaisi hai yeh zindagini...hamari adhuri kahani......." .while I laid back on the warm leather seat closing my eyes.......................and wondering what the man in the blue coat whispered to my ear..... he said..." when you eat a chicken burger always remember that the the chicken you are eating has been taken out of its flock, smoother ed with it's blood drained and skinned to the pink convert it from a living organism to a piece of meat....cooked,garnished and served Only to satisfy your Taste buds......."
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Abhirup smiled when he saw the hundred and tenth towered building that stood overwhelming in front of him is near completion.The cigarette that was in between in his finger burned slowly spreading an aroma of tobacco around....the hung ed up head of abhirup was searching for something in the sky....while a cluster of stars in the sky shined.
something struck abhirup he wanted to know how does it feel like to look upon at the stars from a 110 storey ed building.He went inside the building complex , boarded the elevator,and pushed the switch "Top floor".
The elevator slowly moved upwards while abhirup looked against the glass ceiling ,the stars that looked like a tiny bright spot started to glow more gradually as the shiny silver colour ed elevator shoot ed up against the gravity.Slowly the stars were glowing brighter than usual, the city that shimmered with the night lights was right underneath him the horizon the red clouds mingled with the was precisely at this point of time that a flash of memory flooded abhirup's conscious mind....
"........ a sound of chaos....people talking to each other ,kids playing around...with abhirup sitting in the middle of the park.The summer of 1992 it was ,as he recollected all the events that happened to him on that day...the day in which he told something to someone after 7 years they met...
It was pallabi, abhirup's love who was sitting next to him and abhirup was looking forward of confessing his untold feeling towards her.The day when he mustered all the courage of his tell her the thing ,which he has always wanted to ,but always restrained himself away from the fact that if something goes out of sync then their friendship will get distorted and this would mean no regular Monday meetings something to which abhirup got addicted to,hence abhirup never ever dared thinking, of telling her.....
but that day was somehow different,she was supposedly moving out with her family within a week...and hence abhirup's eternal slumber and tranquility got a sudden jerk, with no other choices left ,this is now which he considered to be his last chance of ever telling her....
'...................talking 3 hours at a stretch was nothing new for them when suddenly that precious question of love erupted... abhirup has long been lingering this conversation ever since ,but now he was in no mood to wait more." Something inevitable is about to happen..." he murmured to himself...
pallabi : abhirup ...who is that girl whom you love? you always shy away from this question whenever I ask you.... come on abhirup tell me her name? how does she look like?...I have been your true friend and I always told you about my its your turn..
abhirup : well....there is a girl I love know that....she is very special to me I love her very much... she seems to be an angel who has fallen to earth from the sky to become a part of human race.....she is my love...
pallabi : so you never told me you had a girlfriend..!
abhirup : no...she is not my girlfriend....even she is not aware of the fact that I love's only I who love her ...
pallabi : then why not go and tell her ...tell me who is she ? I will help you in conveying her the message...
abhirup : no pallabi...there is no point in doing it....I know she is happy with her current relationship with someone... I have tasted the true essence of platonic love ...the path in which I have been walking has led me to a point where I can see a new meaning of has open ed a whole new dimension........its not my happiness which matters's her happiness that counts.... if I tell her now ,then her tranquility and peace of mind will be disturbed ....because I know she is happy with someone... so,then why tell her..?.....none the less all I want is, to see her it with me or with someone else.......
pallabi : (smiles) you talk like a philosopher thing i have understood.......your love for her is very tell me her name....what's her name?
abhirup : yes....she is my inspiration for every work I do....but why do you want to know her name? always knew a rose with a different name will always smell the same .....(laughing)............. well if you really want to address her by some name call her mumtaz..."the best"....she is my inspiration .....perhaps someday alike shahjahan I will also build something for you must be thinking that why am i studying architecture.......(laughing).... yes someday, time will speak for itself and for my untold love that I have kept captive in my heart since ages....perhaps for time immemorial who ever will pass that monument will always remember my undying love towards my mumtaz.....
pallabi : (almost astonished)...come on abhirup tell me that lucky girl's name....I am feeling jealous towards her....(giggles)
abhirup : its you are my mumtaz are my angel ...its you from whom I draw my inspiration...
The elevator now stopped at the 110 th floor,and abhirup's mind came from the past to his presence....the elevator gate slid open. Abhirup walked out of the elevator and headed towards the lobby.Newspapers, local dailies ,magazines were all spread on the table, that was placed at the centre of the lobby,and it flashed the same news on their headline "Indian architect builds the tallest building in the country.."
abhirup took one of it in his hand and started reading...
" Indian architect builds the tallest building in country.......37 years old abhirup banerjee has done it again by designing the tallest building in Singapore...abhirup when asked about the inspiration behind such a marvellous creation ...speaks of only one name .." for my mumtaz.."................
abhirup smiled faintly and thought, when for the last time he met his "mumtaz".....she came the day after abhirup confessed his love towards her, she carried a letter along with her which she gave it to him and went away,only to return to his dream every night ever since then.
The letter:
Forgive me abhirup for I cannot love I am in love with someone else.....I am also not worthy for your love .........for I am no longer your's now...I don't want you to accept me for all the wrongs and vices that I have in are a good .you deserve good and that is surely not me.
Two days hence pallabi moved out of the city.The following year abhirup moved to mumbai and completed his masters in architecture.
Abhirup always attends unknown phone calls to his mobile phone owing to the fact that 5 years back abhirup unexpectedly received a phone call from pallabi. They talk ed for about an hour. Abhirup never called her back
.Two months after the incident abhirup moved to singapore.
The stars now shined liked jewels studded deep into the sky. The dark lobby which was void of any electric lights shimmered when the faint light of the moon fell upon the marble flooring.Through the transparent glass wall that lay on the four sides of the room ,abhirup looked outside.There was silence,the city looked like a "carpet of light" laid on the beautiful landscape....the lights coming from the hustle and bustle of the city life, did not carry any sounds along with was a comfortable silence ..a feeling of being grown above the worldly affairs ..a feeling that there is nothing to loose .....a feeling that he has conquered something ...a feeling that he has conquered himself ......
and now Long in front of his eyes on the silhouette of the table abhirup saw his mobile phone glowing magnificently like an angel fallen from the heaven abode .
Abhirup picked up the phone it displayed " calling.... name unknown..."
Abhirup smiled when he saw the hundred and tenth towered building that stood overwhelming in front of him is near completion.The cigarette that was in between in his finger burned slowly spreading an aroma of tobacco around....the hung ed up head of abhirup was searching for something in the sky....while a cluster of stars in the sky shined.
something struck abhirup he wanted to know how does it feel like to look upon at the stars from a 110 storey ed building.He went inside the building complex , boarded the elevator,and pushed the switch "Top floor".
The elevator slowly moved upwards while abhirup looked against the glass ceiling ,the stars that looked like a tiny bright spot started to glow more gradually as the shiny silver colour ed elevator shoot ed up against the gravity.Slowly the stars were glowing brighter than usual, the city that shimmered with the night lights was right underneath him the horizon the red clouds mingled with the was precisely at this point of time that a flash of memory flooded abhirup's conscious mind....
"........ a sound of chaos....people talking to each other ,kids playing around...with abhirup sitting in the middle of the park.The summer of 1992 it was ,as he recollected all the events that happened to him on that day...the day in which he told something to someone after 7 years they met...
It was pallabi, abhirup's love who was sitting next to him and abhirup was looking forward of confessing his untold feeling towards her.The day when he mustered all the courage of his tell her the thing ,which he has always wanted to ,but always restrained himself away from the fact that if something goes out of sync then their friendship will get distorted and this would mean no regular Monday meetings something to which abhirup got addicted to,hence abhirup never ever dared thinking, of telling her.....
but that day was somehow different,she was supposedly moving out with her family within a week...and hence abhirup's eternal slumber and tranquility got a sudden jerk, with no other choices left ,this is now which he considered to be his last chance of ever telling her....
'...................talking 3 hours at a stretch was nothing new for them when suddenly that precious question of love erupted... abhirup has long been lingering this conversation ever since ,but now he was in no mood to wait more." Something inevitable is about to happen..." he murmured to himself...
pallabi : abhirup ...who is that girl whom you love? you always shy away from this question whenever I ask you.... come on abhirup tell me her name? how does she look like?...I have been your true friend and I always told you about my its your turn..
abhirup : well....there is a girl I love know that....she is very special to me I love her very much... she seems to be an angel who has fallen to earth from the sky to become a part of human race.....she is my love...
pallabi : so you never told me you had a girlfriend..!
abhirup : no...she is not my girlfriend....even she is not aware of the fact that I love's only I who love her ...
pallabi : then why not go and tell her ...tell me who is she ? I will help you in conveying her the message...
abhirup : no pallabi...there is no point in doing it....I know she is happy with her current relationship with someone... I have tasted the true essence of platonic love ...the path in which I have been walking has led me to a point where I can see a new meaning of has open ed a whole new dimension........its not my happiness which matters's her happiness that counts.... if I tell her now ,then her tranquility and peace of mind will be disturbed ....because I know she is happy with someone... so,then why tell her..?.....none the less all I want is, to see her it with me or with someone else.......
pallabi : (smiles) you talk like a philosopher thing i have understood.......your love for her is very tell me her name....what's her name?
abhirup : yes....she is my inspiration for every work I do....but why do you want to know her name? always knew a rose with a different name will always smell the same .....(laughing)............. well if you really want to address her by some name call her mumtaz..."the best"....she is my inspiration .....perhaps someday alike shahjahan I will also build something for you must be thinking that why am i studying architecture.......(laughing).... yes someday, time will speak for itself and for my untold love that I have kept captive in my heart since ages....perhaps for time immemorial who ever will pass that monument will always remember my undying love towards my mumtaz.....
pallabi : (almost astonished)...come on abhirup tell me that lucky girl's name....I am feeling jealous towards her....(giggles)
abhirup : its you are my mumtaz are my angel ...its you from whom I draw my inspiration...
The elevator now stopped at the 110 th floor,and abhirup's mind came from the past to his presence....the elevator gate slid open. Abhirup walked out of the elevator and headed towards the lobby.Newspapers, local dailies ,magazines were all spread on the table, that was placed at the centre of the lobby,and it flashed the same news on their headline "Indian architect builds the tallest building in the country.."
abhirup took one of it in his hand and started reading...
" Indian architect builds the tallest building in country.......37 years old abhirup banerjee has done it again by designing the tallest building in Singapore...abhirup when asked about the inspiration behind such a marvellous creation ...speaks of only one name .." for my mumtaz.."................
abhirup smiled faintly and thought, when for the last time he met his "mumtaz".....she came the day after abhirup confessed his love towards her, she carried a letter along with her which she gave it to him and went away,only to return to his dream every night ever since then.
The letter:
Forgive me abhirup for I cannot love I am in love with someone else.....I am also not worthy for your love .........for I am no longer your's now...I don't want you to accept me for all the wrongs and vices that I have in are a good .you deserve good and that is surely not me.
Two days hence pallabi moved out of the city.The following year abhirup moved to mumbai and completed his masters in architecture.
Abhirup always attends unknown phone calls to his mobile phone owing to the fact that 5 years back abhirup unexpectedly received a phone call from pallabi. They talk ed for about an hour. Abhirup never called her back
.Two months after the incident abhirup moved to singapore.
The stars now shined liked jewels studded deep into the sky. The dark lobby which was void of any electric lights shimmered when the faint light of the moon fell upon the marble flooring.Through the transparent glass wall that lay on the four sides of the room ,abhirup looked outside.There was silence,the city looked like a "carpet of light" laid on the beautiful landscape....the lights coming from the hustle and bustle of the city life, did not carry any sounds along with was a comfortable silence ..a feeling of being grown above the worldly affairs ..a feeling that there is nothing to loose .....a feeling that he has conquered something ...a feeling that he has conquered himself ......
and now Long in front of his eyes on the silhouette of the table abhirup saw his mobile phone glowing magnificently like an angel fallen from the heaven abode .
Abhirup picked up the phone it displayed " calling.... name unknown..."
Monday, March 9, 2009
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