Abhirup smiled when he saw the hundred and tenth towered building that stood overwhelming in front of him is near completion.The cigarette that was in between in his finger burned slowly spreading an aroma of tobacco around....the hung ed up head of abhirup was searching for something in the sky....while a cluster of stars in the sky shined.
something struck abhirup he wanted to know how does it feel like to look upon at the stars from a 110 storey ed building.He went inside the building complex , boarded the elevator,and pushed the switch "Top floor".
The elevator slowly moved upwards while abhirup looked against the glass ceiling ,the stars that looked like a tiny bright spot started to glow more gradually as the shiny silver colour ed elevator shoot ed up against the gravity.Slowly the stars were glowing brighter than usual, the city that shimmered with the night lights was right underneath him ...at the horizon the red clouds mingled with the landscape....it was precisely at this point of time that a flash of memory flooded abhirup's conscious mind....
"........ a sound of chaos....people talking to each other ,kids playing around...with abhirup sitting in the middle of the park.The summer of 1992 it was ,as he recollected all the events that happened to him on that day...the day in which he told something to someone after 7 years they met...
It was pallabi, abhirup's love who was sitting next to him and abhirup was looking forward of confessing his untold feeling towards her.The day when he mustered all the courage of his heart...to tell her the thing ,which he has always wanted to ,but always restrained himself away from the fact that if something goes out of sync then their friendship will get distorted and this would mean no regular Monday meetings something to which abhirup got addicted to,hence abhirup never ever dared thinking, of telling her.....
but that day was somehow different,she was supposedly moving out with her family within a week...and hence abhirup's eternal slumber and tranquility got a sudden jerk, with no other choices left ,this is now which he considered to be his last chance of ever telling her....
'...................talking 3 hours at a stretch was nothing new for them when suddenly that precious question of love erupted... abhirup has long been lingering this conversation ever since ,but now he was in no mood to wait more." Something inevitable is about to happen..." he murmured to himself...
pallabi : abhirup ...who is that girl whom you love? you always shy away from this question whenever I ask you.... come on abhirup tell me her name? how does she look like?...I have been your true friend and I always told you about my boyfriends...now its your turn..
abhirup : well....there is a girl I love ....you know that....she is very special to me I love her very much... she seems to be an angel who has fallen to earth from the sky to become a part of human race.....she is my love...
pallabi : so you never told me you had a girlfriend..!
abhirup : no...she is not my girlfriend....even she is not aware of the fact that I love her....it's only I who love her ...
pallabi : then why not go and tell her ...tell me who is she ? I will help you in conveying her the message...
abhirup : no pallabi...there is no point in doing it....I know she is happy with her current relationship with someone... I have tasted the true essence of platonic love ...the path in which I have been walking has led me to a point where I can see a new meaning of love.....it has open ed a whole new dimension........its not my happiness which matters now....it's her happiness that counts.... if I tell her now ,then her tranquility and peace of mind will be disturbed ....because I know she is happy with someone... so,then why tell her..?.....none the less all I want is, to see her happy......be it with me or with someone else.......
pallabi : (smiles) you talk like a philosopher now....one thing i have understood.......your love for her is very pure........now tell me her name....what's her name?
abhirup : yes....she is my inspiration........my inspiration for every work I do....but why do you want to know her name?....you always knew a rose with a different name will always smell the same .....(laughing)............. well if you really want to address her by some name call her mumtaz..."the best"....she is my inspiration .....perhaps someday alike shahjahan I will also build something for her.....so you must be thinking that why am i studying architecture.......(laughing).... yes someday, time will speak for itself and for my untold love that I have kept captive in my heart since ages....perhaps for time immemorial who ever will pass that monument will always remember my undying love towards my mumtaz.....
pallabi : (almost astonished)...come on abhirup tell me that lucky girl's name....I am feeling jealous towards her....(giggles)
abhirup : its you pallabi....you are my mumtaz ....you are my angel ...its you from whom I draw my inspiration...
The elevator now stopped at the 110 th floor,and abhirup's mind came from the past to his presence....the elevator gate slid open. Abhirup walked out of the elevator and headed towards the lobby.Newspapers, local dailies ,magazines were all spread on the table, that was placed at the centre of the lobby,and it flashed the same news on their headline "Indian architect builds the tallest building in the country.."
abhirup took one of it in his hand and started reading...
" Indian architect builds the tallest building in country.......37 years old abhirup banerjee has done it again by designing the tallest building in Singapore...abhirup when asked about the inspiration behind such a marvellous creation ...speaks of only one name .." for my mumtaz.."................
abhirup smiled faintly and thought, when for the last time he met his "mumtaz".....she came the day after abhirup confessed his love towards her, she carried a letter along with her which she gave it to him and went away,only to return to his dream every night ever since then.
The letter:
Forgive me abhirup for I cannot love you....as I am in love with someone else.....I am also not worthy for your love .........for I am no longer your's now...I don't want you to accept me for all the wrongs and vices that I have in me....you are a good .you deserve good and that is surely not me.
Two days hence pallabi moved out of the city.The following year abhirup moved to mumbai and completed his masters in architecture.
Abhirup always attends unknown phone calls to his mobile phone owing to the fact that 5 years back abhirup unexpectedly received a phone call from pallabi. They talk ed for about an hour. Abhirup never called her back
.Two months after the incident abhirup moved to singapore.
The stars now shined liked jewels studded deep into the sky. The dark lobby which was void of any electric lights shimmered when the faint light of the moon fell upon the marble flooring.Through the transparent glass wall that lay on the four sides of the room ,abhirup looked outside.There was silence,the city looked like a "carpet of light" laid on the beautiful landscape....the lights coming from the hustle and bustle of the city life, did not carry any sounds along with it...it was a comfortable silence ..a feeling of being grown above the worldly affairs ..a feeling that there is nothing to loose .....a feeling that he has conquered something ...a feeling that he has conquered himself ......
and now Long in front of his eyes on the silhouette of the table abhirup saw his mobile phone glowing magnificently like an angel fallen from the heaven abode .
Abhirup picked up the phone it displayed " calling.... name unknown..."
Abhirup smiled when he saw the hundred and tenth towered building that stood overwhelming in front of him is near completion.The cigarette that was in between in his finger burned slowly spreading an aroma of tobacco around....the hung ed up head of abhirup was searching for something in the sky....while a cluster of stars in the sky shined.
something struck abhirup he wanted to know how does it feel like to look upon at the stars from a 110 storey ed building.He went inside the building complex , boarded the elevator,and pushed the switch "Top floor".
The elevator slowly moved upwards while abhirup looked against the glass ceiling ,the stars that looked like a tiny bright spot started to glow more gradually as the shiny silver colour ed elevator shoot ed up against the gravity.Slowly the stars were glowing brighter than usual, the city that shimmered with the night lights was right underneath him ...at the horizon the red clouds mingled with the landscape....it was precisely at this point of time that a flash of memory flooded abhirup's conscious mind....
"........ a sound of chaos....people talking to each other ,kids playing around...with abhirup sitting in the middle of the park.The summer of 1992 it was ,as he recollected all the events that happened to him on that day...the day in which he told something to someone after 7 years they met...
It was pallabi, abhirup's love who was sitting next to him and abhirup was looking forward of confessing his untold feeling towards her.The day when he mustered all the courage of his heart...to tell her the thing ,which he has always wanted to ,but always restrained himself away from the fact that if something goes out of sync then their friendship will get distorted and this would mean no regular Monday meetings something to which abhirup got addicted to,hence abhirup never ever dared thinking, of telling her.....
but that day was somehow different,she was supposedly moving out with her family within a week...and hence abhirup's eternal slumber and tranquility got a sudden jerk, with no other choices left ,this is now which he considered to be his last chance of ever telling her....
'...................talking 3 hours at a stretch was nothing new for them when suddenly that precious question of love erupted... abhirup has long been lingering this conversation ever since ,but now he was in no mood to wait more." Something inevitable is about to happen..." he murmured to himself...
pallabi : abhirup ...who is that girl whom you love? you always shy away from this question whenever I ask you.... come on abhirup tell me her name? how does she look like?...I have been your true friend and I always told you about my boyfriends...now its your turn..
abhirup : well....there is a girl I love ....you know that....she is very special to me I love her very much... she seems to be an angel who has fallen to earth from the sky to become a part of human race.....she is my love...
pallabi : so you never told me you had a girlfriend..!
abhirup : no...she is not my girlfriend....even she is not aware of the fact that I love her....it's only I who love her ...
pallabi : then why not go and tell her ...tell me who is she ? I will help you in conveying her the message...
abhirup : no pallabi...there is no point in doing it....I know she is happy with her current relationship with someone... I have tasted the true essence of platonic love ...the path in which I have been walking has led me to a point where I can see a new meaning of love.....it has open ed a whole new dimension........its not my happiness which matters now....it's her happiness that counts.... if I tell her now ,then her tranquility and peace of mind will be disturbed ....because I know she is happy with someone... so,then why tell her..?.....none the less all I want is, to see her happy......be it with me or with someone else.......
pallabi : (smiles) you talk like a philosopher now....one thing i have understood.......your love for her is very pure........now tell me her name....what's her name?
abhirup : yes....she is my inspiration........my inspiration for every work I do....but why do you want to know her name?....you always knew a rose with a different name will always smell the same .....(laughing)............. well if you really want to address her by some name call her mumtaz..."the best"....she is my inspiration .....perhaps someday alike shahjahan I will also build something for her.....so you must be thinking that why am i studying architecture.......(laughing).... yes someday, time will speak for itself and for my untold love that I have kept captive in my heart since ages....perhaps for time immemorial who ever will pass that monument will always remember my undying love towards my mumtaz.....
pallabi : (almost astonished)...come on abhirup tell me that lucky girl's name....I am feeling jealous towards her....(giggles)
abhirup : its you pallabi....you are my mumtaz ....you are my angel ...its you from whom I draw my inspiration...
The elevator now stopped at the 110 th floor,and abhirup's mind came from the past to his presence....the elevator gate slid open. Abhirup walked out of the elevator and headed towards the lobby.Newspapers, local dailies ,magazines were all spread on the table, that was placed at the centre of the lobby,and it flashed the same news on their headline "Indian architect builds the tallest building in the country.."
abhirup took one of it in his hand and started reading...
" Indian architect builds the tallest building in country.......37 years old abhirup banerjee has done it again by designing the tallest building in Singapore...abhirup when asked about the inspiration behind such a marvellous creation ...speaks of only one name .." for my mumtaz.."................
abhirup smiled faintly and thought, when for the last time he met his "mumtaz".....she came the day after abhirup confessed his love towards her, she carried a letter along with her which she gave it to him and went away,only to return to his dream every night ever since then.
The letter:
Forgive me abhirup for I cannot love you....as I am in love with someone else.....I am also not worthy for your love .........for I am no longer your's now...I don't want you to accept me for all the wrongs and vices that I have in me....you are a good .you deserve good and that is surely not me.
Two days hence pallabi moved out of the city.The following year abhirup moved to mumbai and completed his masters in architecture.
Abhirup always attends unknown phone calls to his mobile phone owing to the fact that 5 years back abhirup unexpectedly received a phone call from pallabi. They talk ed for about an hour. Abhirup never called her back
.Two months after the incident abhirup moved to singapore.
The stars now shined liked jewels studded deep into the sky. The dark lobby which was void of any electric lights shimmered when the faint light of the moon fell upon the marble flooring.Through the transparent glass wall that lay on the four sides of the room ,abhirup looked outside.There was silence,the city looked like a "carpet of light" laid on the beautiful landscape....the lights coming from the hustle and bustle of the city life, did not carry any sounds along with it...it was a comfortable silence ..a feeling of being grown above the worldly affairs ..a feeling that there is nothing to loose .....a feeling that he has conquered something ...a feeling that he has conquered himself ......
and now Long in front of his eyes on the silhouette of the table abhirup saw his mobile phone glowing magnificently like an angel fallen from the heaven abode .
Abhirup picked up the phone it displayed " calling.... name unknown..."