This is a story which does not have a starting nor does it have an ending....its a story of someone waiting to be heard of,the story to which I listened ,The story of the man in blue coat.........
The first thing that I can recall is when I was lying in the wet grass ,the drizzling rain had moisturised my face,my dark warm suit was no longer keeping me warm....I was shivering with my eyes closed. The alcohol had did its part , I wondered......my trance ridden mind was hallucinating....while I hesitatingly opened my eyes ....blurry half distinct images of something hit my retina..... the silhouette of a couple were present some distance apart talking to each other .......along with the unruly gust of wind that was blowing ...... I heard the couple were discussing about me. The lady said "see nowadays even in parks like this you can have a drunken fellow like him....look at his dress .....he seems to belong
from a good family.....and see now how disrespecting and ungraceful ,that he is is lying dead drunk here...some girl must have ditched him....poor fellow...."
well the lady was wrong no girl ditched me, only thing is that I had a party some hours back,and when the clock smiled at me showing 7 p.m I hurried out of the ballroom to reach home......one thing I did not realise, for the same fact for which I was lying in this park ....that sometimes big bellied fish like me can also puke.....I retrograded my path and took refuge there believing that sometimes after I will be in a position to reach home.
Passively listening to what the lady had said I closed my eyes feeling amused......and when the second time I opened my eye after a small interval of unconscious sleep, the couple was gone........Instead a man in his thirties wearing a blue raincoat with his head covered under the hood was sitting unexpectedly close to me,looking into my eyes .......and eating an apple....
The man in the blue coat who was sitting very close to me had an apple in his hand which he was chomping thoughtfully I stared at him amazingly
the man broke the silence by asking "so...did someone ditch you and you got drunk..?.."
no I replied
" I don't belong to that fortunate lot, who have someone special in their life ".............. I murmured
" on the contrary you can also be unfortunate too,to have someone special in your life "..... said the man
" why is it so? " I asked
" it's my experience that tells me boy,not me.................I have seen life from the point of view of soldier who has seen a bloody battle....Sometimes Life and Love are not that rosy dream of which we think to be..... Its a harsh and cruel reality....." said the man
" hmmm......... " . I murmured
" so what is your experience..? why do you give me such pessimistic views regarding life...after all life is a beautiful opportunity for us to enjoy..... " I said.
" Is it so? "....the man chuckled
"then let me tell you why I am here......why I am sitting here under the open sky and getting drenched while my ' Toyota ' is still parked outside......."..he said while the Rolex in his right hand glittered under the moon shine.
" 10 years back I had met a girl in my college.......I was finishing my education while she joined college.......we felt like we had a connection with each other and we fell in love .....and after 4 months of intense courtship , I realized that I have found my soul mate." said the man
" then Jenny disappeared without telling me anything ,one week no news of her what so ever ,then on the eighth day she came to meet me,tormented,......she told me that she needs money ,a large sum of money to give to her father........On that day jenny cried and I came to know jenny closer and closer of her cruel past, something which I never knew before....... " the man continued........
" On that day I realized that jenny didn't had a father,the half dog and half pig character to which jenny referred to as her father ,was actually a parasite who has been lavishing on the money which came from jenny's mother by performing the mankind's oldest forbidden trade----prostitution...... "
" Jenny goes by the name of ' submissive lily ' , when I found her on the escort's list which gets updated every single minute on the Internet...It was five years back that she bowed herself to this profession................because of me,if on that very day I would have given her what she needed to fulfill her father's debt,then today Jenny would have been Jenny only......But how could I have had ? I was not a millionaire then, but a struggler wearing a torn pair of jeans,you never understand women they will always disclose their problem to the person whom they love.............even knowing that the person is incapable of helping her.......she always divulges to him.........and when you fail to help them as I did, they feel they are betrayed ............perhaps they are so graceful....that when you say ' cannot ' to them....they feel their Love's labour is lost..............
I feel guilty for her .I tried to shoot myself a couple of times but failed .......... I felt heavy by her burden.......I felt as I am choked to death........... I felt angry, very very angry thinking that hundreds of people must have touched her flesh.......... " said the man in the blue coat, while his bloodshot moist eyes looked ferocious..........
Then the day when I found her , I called her pretending myself to be a customer (because there was no other way to reach to her )......and she came......we looked at each other's eyes....... we both cuddled and cried but then she said " why am I here? " I told her I am here to take her... to be with me forever....but she denied..... she said there is no point in returning now everything is lost to her.........it is a life that she has accepted out of forceful compulsion ,she asked me why am I here?.... is it to ridicule to her situation or make her feel how low has she gone? .....but I realized that she was angry with me over the fact that she held me equally responsible for her situations............ then she went away.... and on that day I came to know of an another secret of Jenny
that she is into drugs now.......it's a part of a game plan of the prostitution racket to indulge these people into drugs so that they don't break away from the bond and be a faithful slave of their master forever.........perhaps this could have been an another reason why jenny never wanted to return....." said the man remorsefully
" on that day I tried twice to shoot myself in the head,but I failed......."
" then I thought of a way to ease my pain,a road to my salvation, a path to lighten my burden........" every day since then I come here with one of my employee specially hired for this purpose.... he would come and behave as a lonely customer who does not want any physical satisfaction but want someone to talk with and take her for the night, on my Sedan while I follow them in a taxi, he pays her double the money she charges (which I give him beforehand) and they sit and gossip on one of my posh bungalow down the lane.........." this saga has been happening everyday since then, while I watch her from the dark glasses of my bedroom........... craving for her love,knowing inevitably that she would never be mine again for the sins I have done towards her.......she came to me for help but I was incapable of helping her that is my sin...... " --------------said the man .........while the rain began to fall more intensely
The rain had began to fall more harshly while the man in the blue coat assisted me out of the garden and whispered something to my ear.....then quickly whistled and waved his hand to a taxi that was passing ............ I entered the cab and the man slammed the door hard,and then said " always remember what I told you............................ "
The cab on which I was in,sizzled down the streets which resembled a smaller version of The Bois de Boulogne all of them standing there had something or the other to show me...while I was looking through their false smiling faces, deep into their eyes. I realized that behind this glamorous body and amorous smile there is a dark secret,a cruel past , a harsh story of truth and reality which everyone of them has to tell ,deep inside their eyes there lies an empty space which resembles the calm moment before a storm..... they need to be heard of, and someone had to listen to...if only you keep your eyes and ears open....
My trance ridden mind was slowly coming back to reality........the effect of alcohol was dying while the cool breeze carrying rain drops blew,
splashing my face with a thousand tears .......................
The radio channel in the taxi played the song "....na jaane koi,kaisi hai yeh zindagini...hamari adhuri kahani......." .while I laid back on the warm leather seat closing my eyes.......................and wondering what the man in the blue coat whispered to my ear..... he said..." when you eat a chicken burger always remember that the the chicken you are eating has been taken out of its flock, smoother ed with it's blood drained and skinned to the pink flesh......to convert it from a living organism to a piece of meat....cooked,garnished and served Only to satisfy your Taste buds......."
This is a story which does not have a starting nor does it have an ending....its a story of someone waiting to be heard of,the story to which I listened ,The story of the man in blue coat.........
The first thing that I can recall is when I was lying in the wet grass ,the drizzling rain had moisturised my face,my dark warm suit was no longer keeping me warm....I was shivering with my eyes closed. The alcohol had did its part , I wondered......my trance ridden mind was hallucinating....while I hesitatingly opened my eyes ....blurry half distinct images of something hit my retina..... the silhouette of a couple were present some distance apart talking to each other .......along with the unruly gust of wind that was blowing ...... I heard the couple were discussing about me. The lady said "see nowadays even in parks like this you can have a drunken fellow like him....look at his dress .....he seems to belong
from a good family.....and see now how disrespecting and ungraceful ,that he is is lying dead drunk here...some girl must have ditched him....poor fellow...."
well the lady was wrong no girl ditched me, only thing is that I had a party some hours back,and when the clock smiled at me showing 7 p.m I hurried out of the ballroom to reach home......one thing I did not realise, for the same fact for which I was lying in this park ....that sometimes big bellied fish like me can also puke.....I retrograded my path and took refuge there believing that sometimes after I will be in a position to reach home.
Passively listening to what the lady had said I closed my eyes feeling amused......and when the second time I opened my eye after a small interval of unconscious sleep, the couple was gone........Instead a man in his thirties wearing a blue raincoat with his head covered under the hood was sitting unexpectedly close to me,looking into my eyes .......and eating an apple....
The man in the blue coat who was sitting very close to me had an apple in his hand which he was chomping thoughtfully I stared at him amazingly
the man broke the silence by asking "so...did someone ditch you and you got drunk..?.."
no I replied
" I don't belong to that fortunate lot, who have someone special in their life ".............. I murmured
" on the contrary you can also be unfortunate too,to have someone special in your life "..... said the man
" why is it so? " I asked
" it's my experience that tells me boy,not me.................I have seen life from the point of view of soldier who has seen a bloody battle....Sometimes Life and Love are not that rosy dream of which we think to be..... Its a harsh and cruel reality....." said the man
" hmmm......... " . I murmured
" so what is your experience..? why do you give me such pessimistic views regarding life...after all life is a beautiful opportunity for us to enjoy..... " I said.
" Is it so? "....the man chuckled
"then let me tell you why I am here......why I am sitting here under the open sky and getting drenched while my ' Toyota ' is still parked outside......."..he said while the Rolex in his right hand glittered under the moon shine.
" 10 years back I had met a girl in my college.......I was finishing my education while she joined college.......we felt like we had a connection with each other and we fell in love .....and after 4 months of intense courtship , I realized that I have found my soul mate." said the man
" then Jenny disappeared without telling me anything ,one week no news of her what so ever ,then on the eighth day she came to meet me,tormented,......she told me that she needs money ,a large sum of money to give to her father........On that day jenny cried and I came to know jenny closer and closer of her cruel past, something which I never knew before....... " the man continued........
" On that day I realized that jenny didn't had a father,the half dog and half pig character to which jenny referred to as her father ,was actually a parasite who has been lavishing on the money which came from jenny's mother by performing the mankind's oldest forbidden trade----prostitution...... "
" Jenny goes by the name of ' submissive lily ' , when I found her on the escort's list which gets updated every single minute on the Internet...It was five years back that she bowed herself to this profession................because of me,if on that very day I would have given her what she needed to fulfill her father's debt,then today Jenny would have been Jenny only......But how could I have had ? I was not a millionaire then, but a struggler wearing a torn pair of jeans,you never understand women they will always disclose their problem to the person whom they love.............even knowing that the person is incapable of helping her.......she always divulges to him.........and when you fail to help them as I did, they feel they are betrayed ............perhaps they are so graceful....that when you say ' cannot ' to them....they feel their Love's labour is lost..............
I feel guilty for her .I tried to shoot myself a couple of times but failed .......... I felt heavy by her burden.......I felt as I am choked to death........... I felt angry, very very angry thinking that hundreds of people must have touched her flesh.......... " said the man in the blue coat, while his bloodshot moist eyes looked ferocious..........
Then the day when I found her , I called her pretending myself to be a customer (because there was no other way to reach to her )......and she came......we looked at each other's eyes....... we both cuddled and cried but then she said " why am I here? " I told her I am here to take her... to be with me forever....but she denied..... she said there is no point in returning now everything is lost to her.........it is a life that she has accepted out of forceful compulsion ,she asked me why am I here?.... is it to ridicule to her situation or make her feel how low has she gone? .....but I realized that she was angry with me over the fact that she held me equally responsible for her situations............ then she went away.... and on that day I came to know of an another secret of Jenny
that she is into drugs now.......it's a part of a game plan of the prostitution racket to indulge these people into drugs so that they don't break away from the bond and be a faithful slave of their master forever.........perhaps this could have been an another reason why jenny never wanted to return....." said the man remorsefully
" on that day I tried twice to shoot myself in the head,but I failed......."
" then I thought of a way to ease my pain,a road to my salvation, a path to lighten my burden........" every day since then I come here with one of my employee specially hired for this purpose.... he would come and behave as a lonely customer who does not want any physical satisfaction but want someone to talk with and take her for the night, on my Sedan while I follow them in a taxi, he pays her double the money she charges (which I give him beforehand) and they sit and gossip on one of my posh bungalow down the lane.........." this saga has been happening everyday since then, while I watch her from the dark glasses of my bedroom........... craving for her love,knowing inevitably that she would never be mine again for the sins I have done towards her.......she came to me for help but I was incapable of helping her that is my sin...... " --------------said the man .........while the rain began to fall more intensely
The rain had began to fall more harshly while the man in the blue coat assisted me out of the garden and whispered something to my ear.....then quickly whistled and waved his hand to a taxi that was passing ............ I entered the cab and the man slammed the door hard,and then said " always remember what I told you............................ "
The cab on which I was in,sizzled down the streets which resembled a smaller version of The Bois de Boulogne all of them standing there had something or the other to show me...while I was looking through their false smiling faces, deep into their eyes. I realized that behind this glamorous body and amorous smile there is a dark secret,a cruel past , a harsh story of truth and reality which everyone of them has to tell ,deep inside their eyes there lies an empty space which resembles the calm moment before a storm..... they need to be heard of, and someone had to listen to...if only you keep your eyes and ears open....
My trance ridden mind was slowly coming back to reality........the effect of alcohol was dying while the cool breeze carrying rain drops blew,
splashing my face with a thousand tears .......................
The radio channel in the taxi played the song "....na jaane koi,kaisi hai yeh zindagini...hamari adhuri kahani......." .while I laid back on the warm leather seat closing my eyes.......................and wondering what the man in the blue coat whispered to my ear..... he said..." when you eat a chicken burger always remember that the the chicken you are eating has been taken out of its flock, smoother ed with it's blood drained and skinned to the pink flesh......to convert it from a living organism to a piece of meat....cooked,garnished and served Only to satisfy your Taste buds......."