He was there sitting on the grasses along with thousand others who joined in to sit under the moon enjoying the cool breeze of the open stadia.He was smoking his sixth cigarette in a row wondering about his lungs.Seven of his Friends were with him who talked among each other while he looked into their faces."its a habit of being alone in a crowd I have inherited from the past ........ I don't blame me for that anymore"-he realized.With nothing to do he gazed at his watch, which was a given to him as a present from someone special.......it was three am in the morning.He took a glimpse of the people around him ..."not many" -he said to himself,but when he was about to withdraw his rolling eyes from the crowd , his eyes caught a known face... a face he knew since a long time,there she was smiling at him......... he stood up and went towards her
she was a friend and his partner for a long time in his college days. Someday during the summers of the last year she realized they could not make it through.She went for a break up and went for an another guy whom she considered more worthy than him in every aspect.He never blamed her for this after all he knew he was a vagabond and sometimes blunt and not caring...
But there she standing in front of him.... he went towards her .....hugged her for one last time... smiled to his new found partner and before his moist eyes could fail holding his tears any longer,he waved her good bye..
He is a good man he realized "perhaps more better than me. I considered him to be my competitor for all these days but on that very moment I felt like a father who had given away his beloved to some one other."he whispered to himself.
he moved out of the place and started walking......taking the wrong roads and wrong turns .today he didn't wanted to return home....he wanted to walk ....... in quest of solace.....
The morning sun was about to rise ,all the sky has turned red while he walked lost in the middle of the road ,he has been a traveller all his life time,he knew all this life that there is nothing called a destination, all roads in this world links to another,so there is no point in relaxing in the middle of the path and call it home ,but at this very point he wanted to settle his tired body,he took refuge in the local roadside tea stall .........."why is the sky crying like me??"he wondered.
and there was no answer he could find.....
sometimes after... the morning sun rose clearing the red sky ......
he looked up towards the road that looked long ..... disappearing into the thin fog ,leading to somewhere he doesn't even know........he saw no end to it .....
He went up and started walking on the path ........not knowing where will it lead to, but he was not afraid ,neither was he alone any longer.........
He has found the answer what he was searching for.... he smiled to himself and took his stride .....while his eyes remained moist...