It was Sunday and as usual the morning alarm rang .But he was already awake from midnight .All the night it had been raining very hard and through the window, in the dark of the night he could hear the raging wind, and see the silhouette of the trees bending and submitting themselves to the unruly wind .
The daybreak was late than usual with wet leaves scattered all over the balcony. It was seven in the morning when the alarum broke his passive disturbance
She was his friend ,even something more than that he believed ...she was his love to whom he was never able to confess.
She was his friend ,even something more than that he believed ...she was his love to whom he was never able to confess.
It had been years since then, with no contact with her what so ever but still her dreams were as fresh as the morning dew without which he never had a night.
All the night he had been thinking of her-when he met for the first time in school ............ eight years back............an unforgetable saga of memories followed .His half sleepy eyes were wide open while a tired mind reconciled the events.
It was yesterday when he met her again while he was on his way to college. She was engaged and waiting to be married soon .They refreshed some nostalgic moments which they shared together.She left with a promise to call him sometimes after.
It was yesterday when he met her again while he was on his way to college. She was engaged and waiting to be married soon .They refreshed some nostalgic moments which they shared together.She left with a promise to call him sometimes after.
At 8:00 in the evening a known noise disturbed his day dreaming.He grasped his breath and attended the call.It was her.She wanted to meet him for the one last time before she leaves the town,he agreed.
It was nine in the morning and he was sitting in the local cafe.... a big clock hung in front of him constantly reminded him of the time. "She will come come in a few minutes.." he said to myself, "I know her well its been her habit since school days ,she was never on time and I always used to wait for her, be it in front of school or any place else."...he thought
The clock reminded him again that its been an hour since then and the cup of coffee with which he was sitting had already turned cold.Time passed slowly,and painfully, when he realized that it was already noon.
It was nine in the morning and he was sitting in the local cafe.... a big clock hung in front of him constantly reminded him of the time. "She will come come in a few minutes.." he said to myself, "I know her well its been her habit since school days ,she was never on time and I always used to wait for her, be it in front of school or any place else."...he thought
The clock reminded him again that its been an hour since then and the cup of coffee with which he was sitting had already turned cold.Time passed slowly,and painfully, when he realized that it was already noon.
His phone rang soon afterward and he attended the call .It was her voice,she could not make it to the cafe as she was busy, she said.She is leaving for her home on today evening and two months hence she will be married and leaving the country.No hopes for returning to this town for the next seven years. Asked him to attend the marriage.The invitation card will be send by post she said.
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